ASIA: Gray to Deliver Danang Conference Keynote Address
St Andrews, Scotland: Chris Gray, one of golf’s foremost experts on the issue of sustainability, will deliver a keynote address at next month’s inaugural Asian Golf Industry Federation (AGIF) Danang Conference.
Staged in conjunction with Danang Tourism and the BRG Group, the AGIF Danang Conference will take place at Danang’s Sheraton Grand Hotel from August 29-31.
The conference will form part of a week-long golfing festival in Danang that will also see BRG Da Nang Golf Resort play host to a 54-hole event on the Asian Development Tour (ADT), the Asian Tour’s feeder circuit.
Topics at the conference will focus on sustainability in golf course design, golf course maintenance and operations, and golf tourism recovery in the post-Covid era.
Speaking from St Andrews, where he attended The 150th Open Championship, Gray, Head of Sustainable Golf & Agronomy – Asia-Pacific with The R&A, said: “The R&A considers sustainability to be a key priority for golf, and an important element of the sport’s contribution to wider society and the effect the game has on nature and resources, delivered by enduring businesses which provide a positive sporting, environmental and social legacy for future generations.
“The R&A strongly advocates sustainability across the nature, communities and resources agenda. To be considered sustainable, the golf operation (be that a new development, existing facility or golf tournament) should protect nature, benefit communities and conserve resources.
“Golf has a unique relationship with the natural environment and a responsibility to ensure that future generations can enjoy the game played by millions around the world.
“Not only is golf great for our health and well-being, but it can also provide a host of benefits for the climate and environment. Golf facilities can also be a great benefit to the local community and can contribute to wildlife conservation, species protection and have the potential to play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change.
“Building and managing the courses on which we play golf and on which we host golf tournaments impacts on nature, communities and resources. Everyone involved in golf should do their best to ensure that these are positive impacts, whilst providing a great golf experience.”
Further speakers for the AGIF Danang Conference will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
Name: AGIF Danang Conference: Golf Tourism and Sustainability Strategies
Date: August 29-31, 2022
Venue: Sheraton Grand Hotel, Danang, Vietnam
Organisers: Asian Golf Industry Federation, Danang Tourism, BRG Group
*For further details about sponsorship opportunities and attending the Summit as a delegate, please contact the AGIF’s PK Ong at