Gillott appointed New GM at Newcastle Golf Club
Newcastle Golf Club’s Board of Directors announced today the club’s new appointment of Christian Gillott, an aspirational business professional with a wealth of experience in all commercial areas of golf club operations.
Gillott was most recently employed as Assistant General Manager at Lakes Golf Club in Sydney, where he has worked since 2010. Currently a member at Indooroopilly Golf Club, Gillott is also a passionate golfer with a single digit handicap.
According to club President Michael Coughian, Gillett’s experience and skill-set is aligned with the area of focus the Board was seeking in the role of General Manager.
“The Boards is very confident he (Gillott) will be able to lead our club into the areas of strategic and operational activity that we have determined to be necessary and essential to allow us to deliver an experience consistent with the best golf courses in the world,” he wrote in an announcement to members.
Gillott will relocate from Sydney with his young family in the coming weeks prior to his starting on June 20.